Evening Song (First Draft)

The sweltering sun descends toward its rest,

The moon and stars not quite ready to appear,

The sky fades from the bright light of afternoon

To the deepening shades of pink, red, purple, even green.

As the shadows deepen across the land,

As far as the eye can see,

Nighttime residents wake to the gloom

And prepare for what is to come.

Locusts sing their familiar cadence.

Mosquitoes fly, searching for their next meal.

Fireflies gently float, lighting the incoming darkness

With their faint glow.

Across the pond, horses prepare to sleep,

Moving slowly toward their beds.

The sun sinks,

The shadows lengthen and take over

As night falls across the land

As far as the eye can see.

Daytime creatures dream of rest.

Nighttime creatures dream of waking.

This is the time,

The in-between time,


When you can hear Nature’s Evening Song.


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